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原名:The Last Dance又名:篮球之神的霸气生涯(台) / 最后之舞 / 最后一舞

分类:纪录片 /  美国  2020 

简介: 1997 年秋天,迈克尔·乔丹和芝加哥公牛队开始了他们八年来第六个 NBA 总冠


最后的舞动影评:【金句摘抄】偉大的人 總會有偉大句子

1. Start with hope.
無論遇到什麼,都要充滿希望 因為希望,就是未來美好的種子。
2. It drives me insane if I can't. I just want to win.
3. When you are getting older, you look back and you understand how you became the person you are. I don't think I can learn this at my young age.
4. You get knocked down, you gotta get up.And you always give it your best and you always try to win. And you see yourself winning before you do it and keep the faith all over the time. We hated to lose.
5. Don't wait for somebody to give you something. You are strong. You are intelligent. You go out and earn it and work for it.
6. We play organised games and we learn about lives.
7. I want to excel all of it.
8. If he felt you didn't do your best you could, he would do find a way to push you harder.
9. If you want to bring the best of Michael, tell him he cannot do something. Or she cannot do it as well as somebody else. And he takes it as a challenge to prove you are wrong.
10. I set myself as an example. And if it inspires you, great. I'll continue to do that. If it doesn't, maybe I'm not the person you want to follow.
11. The big downfall of a lot of players is always thinking about failure. Michael didn't allow what he couldn't control to get into his head. He would say:" Why would I think about missing a shot that I haven't taken yet.
偉大的, 都有偉大的思想。


Jasonsun •
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