
6.0 还行

分类:爱情 奇幻  地区:中国大陆  年份:2018 

主演:宋茜 黄景瑜 徐开骋 李俊贤 江奇霖 刘泳希 李嘉铭 张柏嘉 许芳铱 杨子姗 闫笑 苏可 吴冕 李宜娟 陈佳妍 何蓝逗 杨凯迪 刘家祎 

导演:陈正道 / 许肇任 / 沈洋/李子峘/卢青雨 Qingyu Lu/韩小歌/施定柔

沈洋/李子峘/卢青雨 Qingyu Lu/韩小歌/施定柔




比兔TV为您提供2018年由宋茜,黄景瑜,徐开骋,李俊贤,江奇霖,刘泳希,李嘉铭,张柏嘉,许芳铱,杨子姗,闫笑,苏可,吴冕,李宜娟,陈佳妍,何蓝逗,杨凯迪,刘家祎主演,陈正道,许肇任导演的《结爱·千岁大人的初恋》/又名《结爱之千岁初恋 / 千岁大人的初恋 / 结爱·异客逢欢 / 爱·异客逢欢 / Moonshine and Valentine / The Love Knot: His Excellency's First Love》爱情 奇幻 影视在线观看完整版,《结爱·千岁大人的初恋》百度云网盘资源以及《结爱·千岁大人的初恋》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《结爱·千岁大人的初恋》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

关皮皮(宋茜 饰)是一名实习记者,这一次,她要采访的人物是名为贺兰静霆(黄景瑜 饰)的文物专家。贺兰静霆在业内是传奇人物一般的存在,年纪轻轻却通识玉器古玩,不仅

Plot Summary:Guan Pi Pi is an amateur reporter. In spite of being beautiful and kind, she often finds herself alone in the world. Because of that, Guan Pi Pi feels abandoned and hopeless. What she doesn't realize is that she has been marked with an ancient curse that has been the cause of all of the misfortune in her life. He Lan Jing Ting is the Jade Master, a secretive cultural relic specialist whose face remains unseen to the public eye. He Lan Jing Ting is practically alien to people, but no one knows just how true that statement is--The Jade Master is actually a deity from another realm. When He Lan Jing Ting meets Guan Pi Pi, he becomes convinced that he can make her believe in love again. But for a man who lives his life in solitude, it might be tough to save a woman suffering from a supernatural, millennia-old curse.




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