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原名:Verdens verste menneske又名:尤利娅生命的十二段律动 / 世界上最坏的人 / Julie (en 12 chapitres) / The Worst Person in the World

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 /  挪威   2021 

简介: 故事聚焦当下的奥斯陆,围绕年轻睿智的女性朱莉展开。30岁的她仍徘徊在人生的十字路



看完电影实在是太喜欢了,花了一天翻遍了导演Joachim Trier和女主RR男主ADL做的各种访谈,还有一些专业影评人的评价,让这种看完电影之后愉悦舒服liberating but also a bit melancholy的感觉又延长了24小时。Trier真的博闻广记并且口才超好,行走的人形种草机,看完访谈之后收获了一堆想看的电影和书。


  1. 春天不是读书天(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off by John Hughes): The scene of Twist and Shout, like the whole city is celebrating for them; Worst person中整个世界停止的灵感一部分从这里来
  2. 休假日(Holiday by George Cukor): “it’s about the expectations of family and the dysfunctional child trying to find a way to free themselves from the structure of family through love.”
  3. 诺丁山(Notting Hill by Roger Michell): ”it is dealing with the relationship between the idealization and how we dare to get close to someone that we admire. I think that is a very common human theme. Romantic comedies can take that premise of finding love and talk about quite a lot in regards to it.”
  4. 广岛之恋(Hiroshima Mon Amour by Alain Resnais)
  5. Don’t Look Now : “all these films[广岛之恋&威尼斯疑魂] that are trying to talk about how time and memory can be dealt with, in cinema, in a way unique from all other art forms”
  6. 伊甸园 (Eden by Mia Hansen-LøveIn): “In terms of coming of age, Eden by Mia Hansen-Løve I think was an inspiration to me in terms of how to condense time.”
  7. 纯真年代(The Age of Innocence by Martin scorsese): ”Another example of a film we chose as inspiration was a romantic melodrama, The Age of Innocence. It has a male protagonist, but it has a female narrator. It’s like having Edith Wharton's voice and getting an authorial female perspective.”
  8. 绿光: "You get a sense of everydayness and seemingly small stories. A young woman is unable to find a place for her summer holiday, so what’s she going to do? It almost seems trivial, but Rohmer managed to cover big questions of love and existence."
  9. 毕业生(The Graduate by Mazursky): “tonal inspirations, that’s the most important thing. Over the last few years going through giallo and genre horrors for Thelma, I had to get back to something more warm. I was watching The Graduate, Mazursky.”
  10. 费城故事(the philadelphia story by George Cukor)
  11. 骗中骗(The Sting), 虎豹小霸王(Butch Cassidy), 冰球小子(Slap Shot)
  12. 博格曼的电影


  1. 克尔凯郭尔: “One thing we read was a quote that I’ve known for years, and loved, from Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, who said that we can only understand our life backwards, but we’re forced to live it forwards. And I think that’s the confusion we all feel, is that we always learn too late. We go through things that are completely inexplicable and mysterious. And then years later, we realize.”
  2. Adam Phillips写的Missing Out. “There’s a great book by a British writer and psychoanalyst Adam Phillips, which came out a few years ago, called Missing Out, where he says that, in the therapy room, what he experiences with people a lot is that he realizes that people live their whole life with this big, imagined part of themselves. All the what ifs that never happened. That relationship they think they might or should have had or would have in the future, if they only broke away from the relationship they were in. Or that job they’re going to start doing one day. And it actually becomes your self-perception and your feeling of identity. And, suddenly, life has passed. And that whole imagined self was also a part of who you were, but it was unspoken or unlived. And this is life.”


  1. NYFF油管上只有二十分钟的Q&A, 纽约电影节NYFF采访导演和男女主角,真的太喜欢这个小团队之间的chemistry,JT话多且信息量大,RR就像电影里一样spirited(精神饱满),ADL深沉稳重(可能是医生buff加成)。三个人配合得刚刚好
  2. 采访JR 和 RR,信息量很大
  3. 导演一个人的采访,信息量也很大,尤其这个采访者做了很多工作,问了很多电影里具体场景的设计和奥斯陆三部曲之间的联系
    “I also wanted to make it as honest as I could: my version of the difficulties of negotiating love — that chaotic space between romantic notions of the future and the reality that occurs.”
    “But I’m trying to look at a culture of swiping and media gratification that keeps running in cycles, and all of us are trying to sustain a sense of identity in relationships that are supposed to be solid and continuous, in a very fragmented experience, so I think that’s the kind of “gnawing unease” going on right now.”
    “To continue that, we’re in a time when everyone has strong opinions. Everything is polarizing in art right now, and I want to go the other way and make something tender and caring, a colorful film that has levity and melancholia that people will watch on the big screen together.”
    “You think you live in infinity, but at some point you don’t. Choices will be made for you if you don’t make them yourself. And loss is necessary to find a place of acceptance for yourself.”
  5. 很喜欢的Film Review


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