

比兔TV为您提供2014年由Ron Shahar,Alla Aibinder,Gal Almog,Alexander Almqvist,Shani Alon,Yochi Apolion,Adi Attoun,Shay Attoun,Irit Bahir,Sinai Bahir,Yafa Barazany,Tom Baum,Yael Doani,Alexa Dol,Ruth Dolgakov,Roni Duani,Shay Gavriel,Liel Gelstein,Vladimir Lazarovitch,Shay Mizrahi,Inbal Nativ,Liron Orfali,Linor Pahima,Hila Peretz,Hen Haim Rosenblum,Pnina Rosenblum,Meiri Shemesh,Daniel Topaz,Boaz Vaknin,Uriel Yekutiel,Raz Zelcerman主演,未知导演的《极速前进:以色列版 第四季》/原名《》/又名《HaMerotz LaMillion / The Amazing Race Israel》真人秀 电影在线观看完整版,《极速前进:以色列版 第四季》百度云网盘资源以及《极速前进:以色列版 第四季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《极速前进:以色列版 第四季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The Amazing Race Israel is hosted by Ron Shahar. The series is a reality television competition between teams of two, in a race across the world. The race is divided into a number of legs wherein teams travel and complete various tasks to obtain clues to help them progress to a Pit Stop, where teams are given a chance to rest and recover before starting the next leg. The last team to arrive is normally eliminated from the race (except in non-elimination legs, where the last team to arrive may be penalized in the following leg). The final leg of each race is run by the last three remaining teams, and the first to arrive at the final destination wins the substantial cash prize.

极速前进:以色列版 第四季的影评列表




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