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原名:极寒之城又名:红尘1945 / 红·尘 / The Coldest City

分类:剧情 动作 悬疑  地区:中国大陆  年份:2023 

主演:夏雨 李立群 谭凯 张国柱 张奕聪 金士杰 杨皓宇 王可如 冯嘉怡 那志东 小么哥 焦刚 张帆 胡明 白红标 高捷 罗京民 

导演:杨枫 / 





比兔TV为您提供2023年由夏雨,李立群,谭凯,张国柱,张奕聪,金士杰,杨皓宇,王可如,冯嘉怡,那志东,小么哥,焦刚,张帆,胡明,白红标,高捷,罗京民主演,杨枫导演的《极寒之城》/又名《红尘1945 / 红·尘 / The Coldest City》剧情 动作 悬疑 电影在线观看完整版,《极寒之城》百度云网盘资源以及《极寒之城》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《极寒之城》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In 1944, the gunman Gu Nian was entrusted by his close friend Fang Ping on his deathbed to deliver the remains in Harbin. Upon arriving in Harbin, Gu Nian learned that the Fang family had been brutally destroyed several years ago. Gu decided to stay in Harbin to investigate the murderer behind the Fang family. In the following year, Gu disguised himself as \"Fang Ping\" and began to assassinate all suspected villains one by one. The time came to the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945, when the puppet Manchukuo was temporarily taken over by the Soviet army. To conceal his identity, Gu Nian was hired by Zhong Zhen, the owner of the cargo yard dock, to find a job as a gunman under his command. At this time, Zhong Zhen was at the height of the black and white lanes in Harbin, and Gu Nian also found the best hiding place for the next revenge action. The gunman Old Jiao, who was lurking in a tailor's shop in the suburbs, was as jealous of evil as his enemies. The dark forces in Harbin have always been his target for assassination. Every gang in Harbin turned pale upon hearing Old Jiao. On the winter night of 1944, Gu Nian was ordered by Zhong Zhen to track down Jiao's hiding place, intending to take his life and commit suicide. However, after a confrontation between the two, the clues about the Fang family's extermination began to gradually become clear. The film reveals different levels of human nature, and in this materialistic old era, everyone had two faces. An epic and legendary story about keeping promises and sacrificing oneself to become benevolent has also begun.






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