
6.0 还行

分类:喜剧 动作 犯罪  地区:中国香港  年份:1997 

主演:成龙 理查德·诺顿 李婷宜 卡伦·麦克利蒙特 加布里埃尔·费茨帕特里克 文斯·波莱托 巴里·奥托 洪金宝 周华健 高丽虹 彼得·霍顿 彼得·林赛 大卫·诺 瑞秋·布莱克利 朱迪·格林 阿龙·诺塔尔弗朗切斯科 杰克·诺塔尔弗朗切斯科 弗雷德里克·米拉廖塔 尼克·卡拉法 基思·阿吉厄斯 卡拉·邦纳 陈英明 

导演:洪金宝 / 马美萍 Fibe Ma/邓景生 Edward Tang

马美萍 Fibe Ma/邓景生 Edward Tang

1997-01-31(香港)英语 , 汉语普通话 , 粤语



比兔TV为您提供1997年由成龙,理查德·诺顿,李婷宜,卡伦·麦克利蒙特,加布里埃尔·费茨帕特里克,文斯·波莱托,巴里·奥托,洪金宝,周华健,高丽虹,彼得·霍顿,彼得·林赛,大卫·诺,瑞秋·布莱克利,朱迪·格林,阿龙·诺塔尔弗朗切斯科,杰克·诺塔尔弗朗切斯科,弗雷德里克·米拉廖塔,尼克·卡拉法,基思·阿吉厄斯,卡拉·邦纳,陈英明主演,洪金宝导演的《一个好人》/原名《一個好人》/又名《义胆厨星 / Mr. Nice Guy》喜剧 动作 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《一个好人》百度云网盘资源以及《一个好人》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《一个好人》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

澳大利亚墨尔本,华裔厨师积奇(成龙 饰)是当地小有名气的人物,定期在电视上主持烹饪节目。

Plot Summary:In Melbourne, the Chinese Chef Jackie has a successful show on television. The drug lord Giancarlo and his gang are dealing cocaine with The Demons gang, but they fight against each other. During the shooting, the snoopy reporter Diana and her partner are accidentally exposed and they flee with a VHS tape with the footage of the negotiation. On the street, she stumbles with Jackie and he helps her fighting against the gangsters. When they are escaping in his car, her tape accidentally mixes with other videotapes that Jackie has in a box on the backseat of his car. Jackie goes to his apartment and meets his girlfriend Miki while his nephews "borrow" the tape to watch. Meanwhile Giancarlo's gangsters are looking for the tape and abduct Miki. Jackie's friend Romeo, who is a police detective, chases the gangsters with other policemen while Jackie teams up with Diana and his friend Lakisha to release Miki from Giancarlo.



日期 资源名称
2023-09-25 一个好人.Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT.ch
2022-08-30 Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.ChsEn
2021-05-21 一个好人[6.2](国)Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC
2021-05-21 一个好人 (1997) 中英文字幕 上蓝下白.ass
2021-05-21 一个好人(完整版).Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-F
2021-05-21 Mr.Nice.Guy.1996.1080p.WEBRip.x264.DD2.0-FGT.srt
2020-10-11 一个好人[6.2](国)Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC
2020-02-28 一个好人 (1997) 中英文字幕 上蓝下白.ass
2019-11-21 一个好人(完整版).Mr.Nice.Guy.1997.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-F
2019-05-12 Mr.Nice.Guy.1996.1080p.WEBRip.x264.DD2.0-FGT.srt



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