

比兔TV为您提供2010年由黑泽朋世,生月步花,吉永拓斗,松元环季,鹈泽正太郎,藤原启治,中尾隆圣,五十岚丽,小野坂昌也,竹田雅则,宫本充,饭野茉优,江川央生,伊藤和晃,日高法子,银河万丈,飞田展男,三木真一郎,平田宏美,纳谷六朗,滝知史,恒松步,塾一久,林辽威,小田敏充,雪野五月,伊藤美纪,斋藤千和,樱井真子,櫛田泰道,菊地祥子,菊本平,胜沼纪义,远藤大智,拓磨,吉开清人,大原崇,冈林史泰,荻野晴朗,河田吉正,须崎成幸,高中宏之,高桥研二,田久保修平,樋口智透,足立友,尾崎丽奈,杉浦奈保子,中岛秋,永田依子,广濑有香,山口享佑子,相泽瑠星,木村真那月,田中爱生,松浦爱弓,渡边哲史主演,舛成孝二导演的《欢迎光临宇宙秀》/原名《宇宙ショーへようこそ》/又名《欢迎来到宇宙SHOW / Welcome to The Space Show》科幻 动画 电影在线观看完整版,《欢迎光临宇宙秀》百度云网盘资源以及《欢迎光临宇宙秀》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《欢迎光临宇宙秀》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A tiny mountain village in a remote woodland region. Five primary school kids have come together in this idyllic spot in order to spend their summer holidays at a camp. At first the children enjoy carefree days amidst unspoiled nature far away from adult supervision. But their life changes dramatically when they come across what they believe to be a small dog, badly in need of help. The creature - known as Pochi - turns out not to be a dog at all but an alien on an important mission. It seems there is a mysterious substance on earth that is coveted throughout the universe. Pochi had almost found it but was so badly injured during a fight that he had to give up his search. Thanks to the children's help, the alien survives - and decides to reward them generously. "Where would you most like to travel?" is the question Pochi puts to his rescuers. Their answer is prompt, if vague: "As far as possible!" Pochi suggests they try the moon first of all, and so, the alien whisks away the kids to the satellite next door. This marks the beginning of an absolutely amazing adventure. During the course of their travels they discover that the substance coveted throughout the universe is in fact also integral to Japanese cuisine - and it just so happens that one of the kids has some of this mysterious substance in his pocket.



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [Ms-FR]Welcome to The Space Show 720p[C3D30505].mp
日期 资源名称
2022-04-28 Welcome.To.The.Space.Show.2010.JAPANESE.BRRip.XviD
2022-04-28 Welcome.To.The.Space.Show.2010.DUBBED.BRRip.XviD.M
2019-05-11 [ANIME4PSP] Welcome to the Space Show - [RG CVC]
2019-05-11 Welcome To The Space Show.avi
2019-05-11 welcome to the space show
2019-05-11 Welcome to the Space Show
2019-05-11 Welcome to The Space Show (Uchū Show e Yōkoso) (JP
2019-05-11 Welcome To The Space Show.mkv
2019-05-11 [AnTiDuB]Welcome To The Space Show.mkv
2019-05-11 Welcome to the Space Show



  • 梦行30
    梦行30 • 2012-10-9 12:26
    每个人小时候都有个环游太空的梦想。 小时候,我也曾抱着书包在路上跑。 欢迎来到宇宙show~里面爷爷种的芥末看起来好好吃哦。没想到确实圣物?紫绀。。画面唯美清新,剧情紧凑温馨,小小的孩子,大大的梦想。...
  • 岁月何须溪上记
    岁月何须溪上记 • 本片只适合14岁以下儿童观看
    这是给小孩子看的不值得推敲的科幻片。 只有热闹没有内涵。 芥末竟然是50亿年前的现已绝种了的珍贵植物“紫绀”的同属异种植物,这个设定实在让人吐槽无力。 看画风不禁联想到《夏日大作战》,故事发生背景也类...
  • Nova
    Nova • 喜欢
    日本动画作品,电影日剧,总是不遗余力的表现那些温馨的细节, 森林、 乡村田野、 干净, 远离繁华, 纯真的少年, 简单的情节, 仅仅是为了研究植物而来的外星人 ,,让孩子们永远都保有幻想的权利 ,,,...
  • --------
    -------- • 日剧就是日剧
  • 虚水
    虚水 • 简单的快乐
    一直以来大家都认为国产的动画因为针对年龄层次低所以表示没有兴趣 其实看看这部welcome to the space show 我觉得简单的快乐就足够了 不需要太多邪恶的阴谋 也不需要太多诡异的故事 ...



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